Upcoming speakers

Past speakers
Yusuke Zennyo
(Kobe University)
Retail Competition and Business Models: A Multi-Product Perspective (10:00 am - 11:30 am JST) 2024/10/08
Cong Shi
(University of Miami)
Online Learning and Pricing for Service Systems with Reusable Resources (9:00 am - 10:30 am JST) 2024/09/23
Yulan (Amanda) Wang
(The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
Global Sourcing and Capability Investment in the Face of Trade Frictions (3:00 pm - 4:30 pm JST) 2024/09/13
Fuhito Kojima
(University of Tokyo)
Ekkyo Matching: How to Integrate Fragmented Matching Markets for Welfare Improvement (9:30 am - 11:00 am JST) 2024/09/06
Rachna Shah
(University of Minnesota)
An Overarching View of Operational Failures (9:30 am - 11:00 am JST) 2024/08/22
Rui Zhang
(University of Colorado, Boulder)
The Driver-Aide Problem: Coordinated Logistics for Last-Mile Delivery (10:00 am - 11:30 am JST) 2024/08/16
Xiao Lei
(University of Hong Kong)
Experiments in Online Gaming Platforms: A Personal Reflection and Interference Analysis (4:00 pm - 5:30 pm JST) 2024/08/08
Ming Hu
(University of Toronto)
Randomization in Product, Fulfillment, and Pricing as a Profit Lever (10:30 am -12:00 am JST) 2024/07/31
Yichuan Ding
(McGill University)
Asymptotic Behavior of Parallel Queueing Systems with Discrete-Choice Driven Arrivals (9:00 am -10:30 am JST) 2024/07/19
Martin Bullinger
(Oxford University)
Stability in Random Hedonic Games (10:00-11:30 JST time) 2024/02/28
Markus Ewert
(Techinical University of Munich)
Learning to Bid against Humans with Unclear Motives (16:30-17:30 JST time) 2024/02/27

Purpose & Registration Guidelines

This seminar aims to invite researchers from academia or industry, featuring talks that present cutting-edge research at the intersection of Operations Research (OR), Operations Management (OM), Economics (Econ), Computer Science (CS), and Machine Learning (ML). The goal is to enhance connections between diverse research domains and industries, fostering the initiation of new research projects and facilitating the expansion of your professional network.

If you would like to register this seminar, kindly spend 1 minute to complete this sheet.
Upon submitting your request, you will be added to our email list. When we have a new presenter, you will receive both a notification and the Zoom link for the online seminar.

About the AORMS seminar

The current version is preliminary, and the details of potential new talks have not been added to the website yet.

Organizing committee (alphabetical order):
Wang Chi Cheung (National University of Singapore)
Kaito Fujii (National Institute of Informatics)
Kenzo Imamura (The University of Tokyo)
Hanzhang Qin (National University of Singapore)
Shinji Ito (The University of Tokyo & AIP)
Yi Tang (University of New Mexico)
Donghao Zhu (The Institute of Statistical Mathematics & The University of Tokyo)

Program committee (alphabetical order):
Kenji Fukumizu (The Institute of Statistical Mathematics)
Fuhito Kojima (The University of Tokyo)
Andrew Lim (National University of Singapore)

Graduate Student Volunteer (alphabetical order):
Yang Xia (City Uinversity of Hong Kong)
Shunyu Zhao (Technical University of Munich)
Zijun Zhong (City University of Hong Kong)

Contact us at: seminarorom@gmail.com

This seminar is supported by
- Research Center for Statistical Machine Learning, The Institute of Statistical Mathematics
- JSPS KAKENHI Transformative Research Areas (A) ''Data description science''

Copyright © Donghao Zhu, IT support @XiangLin Nie